Saturday, July 11, 2009

Videos, photos, etc

I have so many photos and videos, I have to buy an external hard drive to upload them all. (That and my computer has no memory left). I will be doing that shortly and uploading all those things here.

As for the experiment, I'm half satisfied with the way things turned out. Twitter worked really well, until my phone died. The video files worked out in Stockholm, then the other cities didn't have any accessable computers to upload files. The blog was easy enough to update and I am pretty satisfied with the number of posts, although I planned for much more. Five years ago, computers were plentiful in Sweden. Now, everyone has one of their own or they have a phone to access the internet. It leaves very few choices for tourists without a phone/computer. Next time I travel, I will be taking my laptop!

I will try to get more multimedia up here shortly. And my descrptions for the three concerts too!

1 comment:

  1. Sara, you make great job with all this Twitter/YouTube/Blog stuff.

    Ace ofBase were talking a lot about modern way of communication with fans, but it's you who show us how it works and how cool it is.

    Ace of Base should learnd from you how to do that!
