Some drunken people in the crowd shout something I can't quite hear. I imagine they're not shouting good things. I think Ulf says something about these 3 concerts being the end of their one and a half year world tour, although I'm not entirely sure that's what he says. It's a little hard to hear over the crowd shouts. He thanks the crowd and introduces the next song.
As the song starts up and Jenny begins to sing, Jonas has some sort of technical issue. He's trying to communicate with one of the guys in the tour crew with hand signals. I think it's a guy named Ola who comes out to help. I'm not entirely sure what Jonas is trying to say but Ola runs off to the side to fix whatever is wrong.

Jenny's standing on the left side of the stage with an extremly large industrial looking flashlight at the start of the song. She's shining it in her face for dramatic effect. It's better than the gloves of Vina Del Mar at least. (The effect isn't too noticeable right now, although it's much more noticable when it's dark, as you'll see in Töreboda.)

Jenny and the two dancers/backing singers, Anna and Susanna strut their stuff in the choreographed portion of the song. Sundsvall is Susanna's home city, so I suspect she has a lot of friends there watching her performance.
Jenny walks over to Jonas' keyboard and takes a little breather as Anna and Susanna finish their routine. Jenny stays there, leaning against the keyboard and finishes up this portion of her vocals. Ola walks back onto the stage and brings out a guitar, then moves a microphone back to the side of the stage.
Everyone meets up at the back portion of the stage. Jenny, Anna, and Susanna walk from the back aisle to the front of the stage once again to resume their choreography. We cheer on the performance. Jonas and Jakob play together at the back of the stage while Jenny sings the vocals with emphasis.
Ulf stands at the right hand side drumming up a storm. Bengan steps out for a few seconds to adjust the keyboard, as Ulf continues his four minutes worth of drumming.

Jenny adds some vocal flourishes while jamming with Jonas on the left hand side of the stage. She returns to the middle of the stage and drops down on her knees right in front of us. We naturally think this is cool, so we let her know what we think by screaming, like silly fans do.

I wonder if some of the NGSIS background isn't extra footage from the BL video. It almost seems that way with all the movement, cars and roadway featured in the backdrop.

As Jenny returns to the chorus after the bridge, we all belt out the chorus right along with her. We sing it as if it's our theme song for life. We feel the words and we mean them! Jenny exits the stage to prepare for the next song and the rest of the crew take over.

Jakob is now playing Jonas' guitar while Jonas stands in the back with a microphone, ready to introduce everyone. Anna and Susanna take their place up front as they receive their introduction and show the crowd some dance moves.

Linnéa is introduced next and her singing is subdued for now. She sings strong but doesn't belt it out. Not yet. Jakob is introduced and gets a hardy cheer from the Acer section.
Jakob and Linnéa duel it out onstage between her vocals and his guitar. She throws out her strong and steady vocals while he hits back with some mad guitar skills of his own. They then join together as the vocals and guitar parts blend into one part.
Jakob hams it up by hitting the stage floor, playing for the crowd on his knees. I'm impressed with his skills and enjoy his stage antics. Linnéa gets some recognition of her own as we acknowledge her powerful vocals with a nice, long whoop.

NGSIS always feels like a party atmosphere to me. It reminds me of the end of the French CS video where everyone is dancing and singing, enjoying the fun. That's what this part of the concert feels like to me. A block party.

We thoroughly enjoy the performance, the rest of the crowd gives a customary clap, and the AOB crew hurries offstage to prepare for the next song on the setlist.
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