Picture of a little child with a caption saying Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

A crown of thorns under a microscope.

Picture with the caption If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
I wasn't too enthused with some pictures, but that's to be expected with art I suppose.
Anyway, I thought I'd also take some window shopping pictures for you all to see. Nothing special. It's just what you see when you're walking down a part of Sveavägen. Here there are...

I also went shopping for some CDs. I found some good ones for myself. No AOB included in this one. I did see some CDs though. Bengans was the only one who had a placeholder for the band. They had two cds. One HN US version and one of the new boxed sets with the new 09 songs. The other shops sold used cds. I saw two original HN cds and two DC cds. No TB or F cds. The cds were all 25 to 30kr. I'm sure there was more there, as both stores had a great deal of cd singles but I didn't look through them all. So, cds can be found around here, but not too many.
That's all for today. I'm going to rest up for the big start tomorrow. YES! Off to Sundsvall I'll go.
Until tomorrow!
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