Two men from the festival crew run to the front and pull back the Gatufest curtain. The announcer provides an introduction as the smoke rolls out. The crowd begins to clap and cheer.
A roar bursts from the crowd as the background images begin to roll. Lights flash and the smoke increases.

People make comments as the HN intro plays. Jakob steps up to the keyboard soliciting cheers from the front row. Linnea begins to sing the HN lament as she walks on stage. The dancers and background singers take their places.
We see the band walking through the backstage area. The band slowly walks to center stage and stops. They keep a serious look on their faces. A yellow light appears behind them as a blast of sound hits the crowd. Let the show begin.

Jonas can't keep from smiling and his look turns from serious to happy. Ulf takes his place at the drums. Jonas takes his place at the mic with his guitar. Jenny stands in the middle as the projections flicker in the background. Ulf's drumsticks are raised and ready to go while Jonas waits with pick in hand.

The music begins and the dancers, Susanna and Anna, start their opening routine. I hear both good and bad comments from people around me about the opening. Someone says it's cool while another comments negatively on the militaristic feel. I try to hold my camera steady during the Laudate, but a drunken guy and girl beside me keep putting their hands up in front of my camera. I keep having to push their arms down with my left hand. They finally get the message after a few minutes.

We're so close to the front that the projection screen is pixelating, creating green and purple squares during HN. Even though we cannot see it clearly, it adds some light to the background and helps get better footage for the camera shots.
The sound isn't the best, as we cannot really hear Jenny, or anyone else, very well. The crowd is easier to hear than the band, although it changes as the concert progresses. (I suspect this may have had something to do with our distance. Other clips on YouTube from farther away sound clearer).
As it is unfolding, I think to myself, "I cannot believe I am here right now. This is amazing. I'm watching AOB play in Sweden!" The reality stood before me and I still could not comprehend it. It is truly like a dream sequence when you're there. Time and place is forgotten. Now is the only thing that exists as you watch and listen. My second thought? "I love Ace of Base!"
(Jessi found this picture of me in the crowd on rockfoto.nu and I think it explains that "now" feeling)

All the Acers sing along and some people in the crowd also sing along. The crowd is mixed with all ages represented, though the majority seem to be between 15-35. Most people in their 20s, though a great deal are teenagers. We fit in with this crowd more than the EMD crowd.
Photographers and camera crews are in front of us snapping away and recording for newspapers and TV. They're taking a lot of pics during HN. Mostly of Jenny since she's out in front singing. A few snap some shots of Ulf and Jonas.
Jenny always looks so serious just before she turns around. I wonder what she's thinking about as she stands there with her back to everyone.

As Uffe runs out to sing his part, we automatically yell. I don't know how we decide when to yell and clap, but it seems like every Acer does it at the exact same moment. Ulf's energy is evident and it's contagious. He's fully in the moment when he's on stage. I wonder if he has ever accidentaly lost a drumstick during a performance.

Jonas looks like he's serious now, as he's concentrating on playing and singing. Jakob's right there with him in the serious department. He's in the back on the keyboards with an almost angry look on his face.

As I hear Jenny sing, "come true and I will dance with you", I remember that I've been singing this line incorrectly for nearly 13 years. It was only after the CPH concert that I realized the correct line is "come true" and not "come through".
Everyone seems to be more comfortable as the song progresses. A cool blue and green light shines in the background as Jenny finishes the end of the song.

The band gets a generally good response from the audience after it's over. The Acers appreciate it the most though and give a hardy cheer/scream/clap, especially Anna and Andi who give a thumbs up and number 1 sign to my camera after it's over.
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