Ulf chats up the crowd a bit, talking about the performance at Ullevi, then introduces the song. People in the crowd yell stuff at that point. I laugh when I hear someone say "Let's go Joker!" in Swedish. When was the last time I heard someone use the nickname Joker? Must have been 10 years ago.
The tour guys are out on stage bringing in Jonas' guitar and two seats for the others. Jonas is still trying to communicate something to them.
Jenny and Ulf take their respective seats at the front of the stage while Jonas stands with guitar in hand. Ulf is talking to the crowd as Jenny taps his arm and pulls on his seat. The seat is too far away, so she signals for him to scoot to the right. He scoots then she scoots her chair too. Good thing because it helps get everyone into the view of the camera.
Ulf begins clapping to the beat and Jenny follows suit. The crowd gets the hint and starts clapping too. The band begins to sing and the backdrop fills with falling hearts.

Since the focus is at the front of the stage, you don't see much of Jakob, Anna, Susanna or Linnéa. You can hear them though and they a layer of richness to the performance.
Jenny and Ulf laugh as they sing the "falling like leaves" line while mimicking a falling leaf with their hands.
Lucky Love was a #1 in Sweden and it shows because more of the crowd is singing along than on previous songs. They seem to be enjoying it. As I swing the camera around for another crowd check, you can see somebody give the peace sign as the camera rotates. Cute.

And, of course, I have to get a little Acer check in there. Anna, Andi,David, Jessi and Anja are all to the right of me. I take a quick spin to the right to see how they're doing. Andi and Anna give a quick hello to the camera, while David and Jessi are focused on the stage and singing along. Anja is on the other side outside of camera view.
The stage is dark compared to the outside light. It's about 10:30 or so at night, but it's still light outside since it's Summer. The stage crew didn't add many lights for the LL performance, and you can tell. The band member's faces become just a shadow until the beams roll back around again.

We throw out an Acer screech during the bridge. Ulf looks our way and gives a little grin.

The music drops out and everyone in the front side of the crowd sings along with the chorus.. "Lucky love, lucky looooovee". I love it! It reminds me of singing State of Independence during NOTP. The feeling of standing together singing the same song in one voice is incredibly invigorating. Never thought I'd be in a crowd of Swedes singing an Ace of Base song together! But it was happening!

Jakob brings in the backing music again with a flourish of the keys, while Ulf asks the audience to sing along even more and we happily oblige.

LL could easily appeared on the Flowers album. It fits that pattern of bubbly, yet poignant pop music. And it's perfect for a bright summer night like this!

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