Jonas and Jakob play those first few telltale notes from the song and the place turns into a madhouse when the audience recognizes what song they are being treated to.
People are screaming and jumping up and down, hands are waving in the air, everyone is singing along, smoke curls into the first few rows, the projector is flashing new pictures every few seconds, and Jenny and Ulf are running all over the stage.

It's an overload on the senses, a trip to chaos land. But it's a good overload and a good chaos. It's the chaos that means you don't have to care about how silly you look as you clap your hands and join the chorus. It's not about being proper, it's about enjoying the moment. That's the good chaos. And everyone seems to be caught up in it.
Jenny steps down a level to a secondary stage as she sings. The crowd joins in with her and it's hard to hear what she's singing at first. She sits down right in front of us again. Cool.

Someone from the crowd throws a stuffed toy onto the stage as Jenny stands back up. It looks like a toy from the Cars movie. She picks it up, waves it around and finally places it on Jonas' keyboard.

Ulf and Jenny walk across the stage with their "push and pull" routine, harking back to WOF at the beginning of the concert. They meet in the middle of the stage where Jenny leans on Ulf like he's a chair.

And just like WOF, I don't know who to focus on. I need more cameras! Ulf and Jenny are moving, jumping, and pacing back and forth so quickly. I would need at least four or even five cameras to get it all. I want to film everything even though it's just not possible.

I hear the the sound of the strings from the synths just before the "different ways" lyrics. I admire the contrast contained in that sound. The violin sound is both moving and haunting. It's the music you'd hear in a silent film when something bittersweet happens. The sound fits the song perfectly.

All three Aces finally meet up and walk to the front of the stage together. I give a silent little cheer because it means I can now focus on all three at the same time. Only one camera needed.

(At this point, I make a mistake only a fan can really regret. I push stop instead of zoom-in and my BL Sundsvall recording stops. So, sadly, that is where the video ends.)
The music starts to slow and the song nears the end, or so the audience believes. We know better. The three walk to the back of the stage. Everyone hollers and whoops, riding on a high from the energy the performance has created. The crowd thinks it's over. The chaos begins to subside and the crowd begins to slowly calm down as Jakob plays a fairy-tale like melody to end BL. The band has another plan in mind, however. They begin to walk toward the front of the stage. Jenny asks "are you with us?" and suddenly the crazy chaos that is BL starts all over again.

The crowd jumps back into a frenzy, crazier than they were before. We all sing along a second time, happy that it's not over just yet. We clap, sing, cheer and bask in the happiness of the moment.
Jonas, Jenny and Ulf stand together one last time at the front of the stage and thank the audience for coming out. The band and backing singers exit the stage, and before they've even left, the crowd is cheering for more.
It doesn't take long until Jakob runs back out on stage. He looks at the crowd and puts his hand to his ear. We yell but it's not enough. He shakes his head no then runs to the right side of the stage, putting his hand to his ear again. We yell even louder but we still get a negative head shake. He stands in the middle of the stage and tries it a third time. We yell with everything we've got and he finally shakes his head yes. A good way to charge up the crowd for one last song.
He takes his place behind the keyboard and the intro music to the encore begins.
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