I can't resist this. I have to to get it. It's just too good to pass up.
Yes, that's right. Here in tiny Töreboda at the local ICA I find Manna. So, that's what I pick.
Manna. For breakfast. From, uh, ICA.

As we're waiting to check out, we take a peek at the day's headlines:
Everyone picks up a copy of GT and we head back outside.
We find a park bench and dig into our breakfast. I pop the lid open on the Risifrutti concoction and think to myself "what is it?", which coincidentally, is exactly what the Hebrews said when they found the stuff in the desert. I finish off just one, seeing as how buying and saving a second one would have been too much. And it would have spoiled before the next day anyway...
And strangely enough, we spend the next hour or so wandering around in the desert-like heat. The sun finds us wherever we go. It's hot, Sinai hot.
We stop at the concert headquarters to trade our tickets for our yellow bracelets. The radio is playing All That She Wants when we step inside. One of the guys asks us where we're from and he seems oddly impressed when we tell him where we live. He says he likes Ace of Base and thinks they're cool.
Quick! Someone grab some cold water in case I faint! A native Swede just admitted he liked Ace of Base. He thinks they're cool. Somebody call GT! They're not going to believe this! All joking aside, it's nice to hear someone from Sweden say they like the band too. It's not that unusual actually. There are several Swedish Acers, so it's not statistically impossible. It's just improbable.
We pick a small grassy area far back from the stage and get some rest. I fall into a deep sleep. Jessi wakes me up after about an hour and I am thankful for that because she sees I'm not in the shade anymore and could cook myself red if I don't scoot back into the shade.
View from our shady spot.
We get bored and decide to wander around a bit. We hit up ICA again for some lunch and head back to our shady spot. We discuss Jenny's plans for a solo album over lunch.
Afterwards, we head back to the car to refill our water bottles and freshen up a bit. I stop by a store to get more airtime for my phone. We're about to head back to our grassy oasis when Jessi remembers she left her camera in the car. That's a mighty important piece of equipment, so we sit on a park bench while she runs back for it.
Anja and I hang out in the meantime. We're watching people and traffic rush by us near the train depot. Nothing out of the ordinary. We see a large white bus pass in front of us. Someone waves at us from the front seat of the bus. That's a little odd, considering we don't know anybody in this town. We both take a second look as the bus turns a corner, then we realize we do recognize someone on that bus. It's Jenny. I shake my head in disbelief. First because she recognizes us. Second because she's waving so enthusiasically. And third because this town really is so small.
Jessi arrives back with her camera and we tell her about Jenny waiving from the bus. She already knows about it though. The bus passed her when she was heading back and Jenny waved at her too. I spend a few minutes sending this amusing little anecdote to Twitter while Anja and Jessi lightheartedly snicker at me for doing so.